Travel and Education about Business in Bolivia

by John

Small business in the USA is a not-too-well defined aspect of life in the 21st century. If one sells books and gift products, as I do, it is difficult to find appropriate stores to distribute your products. Often, the products are produced outside of the USA, and are available cheaper, directly from the manufacturing company, to Bolivian stores.

One way that I have found to offset the problem associated with building a product's popularity is to find the market, study, and advertise advertise advertise! Even if the product cost is slightly higher, it is convenient for popular stores to carry a slightly higher cost product and sell the product locally, than it is to order cheaper products from a distant manufacturing country.

When I travel, I always make sure to purchase good local advertising publications so I can see where to distribute and how much to sell for. That is a concept known as "marketing strategy" and is taught within College and University business classes as, you guessed it - Basic Advertising for Market Distribution.

I hope to visit Bolivia in the near future for a little while, to enjoy sightseeing and self-educate about marketing and retail business opportunities between my country and Bolivia!

-John Ella Small Business Owner, Sole Proprietor, California, USA.

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Nov 05, 2015
by: Anonymous

good post

Jun 04, 2011
Possible business opportunities in Bolivia
by: John

Hi John: I would like to find a business opportunity in Bolivia. I am American. Feel free to reply.
I am at

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