Trinity International Church is an international and interdenominational church that has served the English-speaking community in Santa Cruz, Bolivia since 1961. TIC currently offers live Spanish translation during services.
The church is both culturally and theologically diverse. It serves a large community of foreigners from many countries such as the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and several non-English speaking countries. Despite so many comings and goings, and the ever-changing nature of its attendees, the church has become one of the main points of stability for the community of foreigners living in Bolivia.

Because it is also interdenominational, it welcomes visitors from a wide range of beliefs. Services begin at 10 am on Sundays. Adults fellowship together in song, prayer and Bible study while children through 4th grade can participate in Sunday School activities. TIC is organized by their board of expat and local Bolivian leaders. Trinity also has Sunday School, Ladies' Bible Study and Men’s Group programs and is also host to the Santa Cruz International Community Choir.
Trinity is located at Km. 7 Doble Vía a La Guardia (across from the Yotaú gas/petrol station) in Santa Cruz (this is the road that eventually takes you to Samaipata) It is near the Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center, one of the best private English-speaking schools in Santa Cruz. The church is only one block in from the main highway. Look for the sign on the Doble Via a La Guardia.
Click the map below to expand it and get directions

You can contact Trinity International Church via their Facebook group, where they post their latest announcements, or by visiting their website.