Two Year Residency VISA Requirements

by Barbara

I acquired the One Year Residency VISA in November of 2011. This Fall, I will apply for the Two Year Residency VISA. According to the list of requirements, the Department of Immigration allows themselves 60 business days to process the application, which is three months. The applicant's Passport must be included in the application package.

My question is, does anyone know if there is some means of getting through this process without having to stay in the country during the 3-4 months that the application is being processed? I need to travel back to the U.S. for business.


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May 25, 2012
Two Year Residency VISA
by: Barbara in Maryland

Thanks SO MUCH for the swift responses to my inquiry. I am especially pleased to hear from people who have actually gone through the process themselves! Such great news.

I have heard that it was possible to "borrow" one's passport back from Immigration. I do have an attorney that I am working with. Don't know that he has had to do this before.

I stay in Santa Cruz when I am in Bolivia. Doesn't the passport go to Immigration in La Paz for processing? Do you know if you have to have a contact in Immigration there in La Paz, or if my lawyer and/or I need to go to Immigration in La Paz?

Thanks again!

May 24, 2012
by: Anonymous

You can "borrow" your passport out of immigration in order to travel back to the States. There is a time limit of 90 days that you can be out of the country without losing the visa (and the one-year visa, as well!). Our two-year visas took quite a bit of time, much longer than 60 days. That was a while ago. Perhaps they have streamlined the process. I just finished my permanent residency. I chose to do it without a lawyer to save money. It took about 7 months in all. I would suggest a lawyer, it's potentially much faster and the lawyer can get your passport from immigration when you need to travel even if your visa isn't done.

May 24, 2012
two year visa
by: Anonymous

I received my two year visa, and it did take some time. I also had to travel, and so my passport was returned to me. I did this through a lawyer. I think I had to pay a "fine" though!

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