Urgently Need to Find a Specialty Doctor (Urologist) in La Paz

by Elise
(United States)

My husband is currently in La Paz, Bolivia at the moment and is running into some trouble finding a Urologist that will take him. He doesn't have health insurance that will cover (or even be eligible) out of the country so we're finding that most Urologists are turning him away even though he has the cash to pay for the appointment. Does anyone know a Urologist in La Paz that would be willing to book an appointment with him?
Any help is appreciated!

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May 23, 2013
Urologist in La Paz
by: Somnath

You may as well contact a very good Urologist in La Paz Dr. Ruben Villca and his office telephone number is: 2441744.

May 23, 2013
Urologists in Bolivia
by: Somnath

This is a little strange that doctors are not seeing him because he does not have an insurance even though he is ready to pay the fees. This is not usual in Bolivia.

Anyway, please check this webpage and you will find all registered urologists in La Paz and in Bolivia. http://www.sociedadbolivianadeurologia.org/index.php/2012-06-12-20-39-38
Hope this will help you.


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