Comments for US Consular Agent in Santa Cruz Bolivia

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Jul 07, 2016
US Embassy website
by: BoliviaBella is a not a US Embassy website. We publish some of the public information they share exactly as they word it. So if you have questions, you should contact your local consulate or you can visit the US Embassy website at:

Jul 07, 2016
VOTING from Santa Cruz Bolivia , November Elections
by: Anonymous

Good morning ,I would like to know what is FPCA ?
Am i supposed to go to the American CONSULATE IN Santa Cruz , to be able to vote ?
My email
Phone 731 88 998 or 710 74 366
Please let me know for your schedule for appointments , ASAP
Agostino Buggio

Jul 04, 2016
Absentee voting instructions for Americans US citizens in Bolivia
by: BoliviaBella

The US Embassy recently posted this information on ABSENTEE VOTING and how to follow the process for both primary elections and national elections when you are an American citizen living abroad.

We would like to inform you that this is not a US Embassy or US consulate website. The US Embassy in La Paz has its own website here:

May 25, 2016
Agostino Buggio
by: Anonymous

Dear Consulate ,
I called several times , and no one pick up the phone , My question is : How do we vote in November , You can call me at 731 88 998
Please , let me know ASAP.
Thank you , for your time
Agostino Buggio

Mar 01, 2016
by: Agostino Buggio

Can we vote from Santa Cruz , Super Tuesday

Apr 29, 2014
otra forma de conseguir el formulario MRVfee para pago de tarifa de prosesamiento de visa no migrante B-2
by: Anonymous

Estimada consul.

sera que su oficina puede proveer ,dicho formulario,
ya que no logramos conseguir en la web de aplicacion?

Feb 06, 2012
need help
by: Anonymous

Hi, this is Stan, friend of Ken.

I need to contact Nicole Martinez. My mom just passed away and we need to fill out a form and do not need an appointment, just pick up the form so we can notify several organizations. My dad is Jack. Rosholt and can be reached at 3584180.

Best Wishes,


RESPONSE: Hola Stan, tried to call the number above but no one answers. The US consulate phone numbers in Santa Cruz are 351-3477, 351-3478 (fax), 351-3479, and 351-3480. I'm so very sorry to hear about your mom. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Charis.

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