The Weather in Cochabamba Bolivia
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The weather in Cochabamba Bolivia tends to be slightly warmer than in the Andes highlands to the West and cooler than Bolivia's eastern Amazonian tropics. Cochabamba is located near the center of Bolivia, in the country's "valles centrales" (central valleys). At 2558 meters (8392 feet) above sea level, it's climate is mild with sunny days and cool evenings. Some say Cochabamba rivals Tarija for the most pleasant climate in Bolivia. It's roughly 1.4 million residents enjoy pleasant weather throughout most of the year, although its short 2-3 month winter can be very cold. During the summer (December - March, also the rainy season) the average temperature is 78ºF (26ºC) while during winter (June - August, the dry season) temperatures in Cochabamba average 61ºF (17ºC).
The widget below provides a 14-day Cochabamba Bolivia weather forecast.

You can also visit the website of the Bolivian National Meteorology and Hydrology Service SENAMHI for real time local weather conditions and forecasts in dozens of Bolivian cities plus real time flood alerts.

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