What are the Bolivian Residency Requirements?

by Frank
(Costa Rica)

Can you please tell me what the requirements are for obtaining Residency and for starting a business for foreigners?

Male American, Female Philippina,
Thank you

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May 04, 2012
Requirements for residency in Bolivia
by: Rebeca

To apply for residency Americans need have a special Purpose Visa, that can be obtained at any Bolivian consular agency in the country of origin or other country. There is no way to enter the country with a tourist visa and then apply for residency. You need to have the Special Purpose Visa (visa de objeto determinado).

For Philippine citizens, they can enter the country with a tourist visa and later obtain the Special Purpose Visa in Bolivia but the price in Bolivia is 360 U$D plus paperwork. More expensive, while obtaining it at a Bolivian embassy prior to arrival costs just 85 U$D.

Any question please contact rebecagonzales@gmail.com

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