What are the dates for Carnaval in Santa Cruz in 2012?

by Paul
(Burbank, CA USA)

My family and I will be coming to Santa Cruz for Carnaval this year and have not yet been able to nail down the dates it is going on. I know it varies sometimes it is late Feb and sometimes early march, but if anyone there knows for sure when it will be this next year I would appreciate knowing so we can solidify some plans!


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Jul 22, 2011
Carnival dates
by: Anonymous

The dates for Carnival in Santa Cruz will be the same as those in Rio or any other city that holds a Carnival in the run-up to Ash Wednesday. So for 2012 from Friday Feb 17th to Weds Feb 22nd.

In Santa Cruz most of the parades/ fun/ parties are on the weekend, with the Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday being extra public holidays.

A carnival for Children is held the weekend previous to this.

Carnival in Santa Cruz is not for the faint-hearted - there is a serious ink/ paint-throwing element to it (as well as a LOT of alcohol) and the parades are not a patch on those you would see in Oruro. If you come to Santa Cruz make sure you bring lots of old clothes and hats! Have fun!

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