What does permanent residency in Bolivia really mean?

by Ash

I cannot find any information about recidencia premanente other than how to apply for it, where etc. what I would like to know what comes with having permanent residency. How "permanent" it actually is? How long can you stay outside of Bolivia without loosing it? when do you need to renew it? what is the difference between premanencia and nacionalizacion.. all i know id one will give me another carnet de extranjero and other Bolivian C.I. i am not planning to stay in Bolivia "forever" and not sure about having Bolivian nationality(based on marriage)..BUT I will likely be travelling to Bolivia now and again since i am married to a Bolivian person. Which would you recomend me please res.premanente or nacionalizacion?? If anyone in similar situation could reply I would be ever so grateful. thanks

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