Where Can I Find Api Morado in Los Angeles?

by CVQuiroga
(Los Angeles, California)

Hello all!

I came across a blog on here similarly looking for Api in the states, but sadly, all the suggestions weren't an option for me in Los Angeles. Amazon and some of the other links no longer hold the product - at least not in the powder form. I'm going to run over to an International Market later today.

I was wondering - are the Api products just purple corn powder or do they contain all the additional ingredients (cinnamon, clove, etc). Could I just purchase plain purple corn flour and add in the additional ingredients?

I appreciate the help! LOVE THIS PAGE!!!

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Mar 15, 2025
Api purple corn drink at Beba's Restaurant in Anaheim, CA
by: Bella

Have you ever tried contacting some of the Bolivian restaurants in the Los Angeles area?

I once purchased some chuños from Beba's Restaurant (way back when they were still in Santa Ana - I think now they are in Anaheim). They sold them and other Bolivian ingredients separately from the actual meals that they served in the restaurant.

I haven't visited Beba's Restaurant since they moved to Anaheim but according to Google they are still there. They serve authentic Bolivian food including hot api. Maybe ask them if you can purchase some packages of api from them.

1909 E. Lincoln Ave.
Phone: (714) 535-0051

You might also try these other 2 Bolivian restaurants:

La Rancherita Bakery at
2709 Westminster Ave # B, Santa Ana
Phone: (714) 554-7265

Doña Mary’s Bolivian Kitchen
Somewhere in Santa Ana

I am not personally vouching for these restaurants as I haven't visited them but hopefully one of them can help you find api.

If you prefer to make your own, you can purchase the purple corn powder and just follow any online recipe for api. On Amazon you can purchase it by searching the words "Maíz Morado". It's imported from Peru.

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