Where can I find brewer's yeast powder in Santa Cruz, Bolivia

by Jonny Algarañaz
(Santa Cruz, Bolivia)

Hi everyone, I'm wondering if anyone out there knows where in Santa Cruz de la Sierra I can find brewer's yeast powder.

I've been looking anywhere such as in supermarkets and nutritional stores but they don't sell it. They only sell brewer's yeast pills and what I need is brewer's yeast powder which is much better and healthier.

I'll appreciate if anyone living in Santa Cruz de la Sierra knows where I can find this nutritional food.

Thank you,

Jonny Algarañaz

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Jan 12, 2013
The million dollar question...
by: Tara

I lived in Bolivia for 6 years and was never able to find anything like nutritional yeast there. When people came to visit, we would ask them to bring us a 5 pound bag from the States:) If you find some, let me know.

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