Where can I find dance classes & American football in Santa Cruz, Bolivia


In Bolivia for the year working in a clinic outside Santa Cruz for half the week and in Santa Cruz for the other half of the week. 2 questions (both have been asked before but one didn't receive any responses and the other had outdated suggestions I cannot find):

1. Where in Santa Cruz/ what site online can I watch American football games? I would like to watch NFL & college football but would be very happy if I can catch any NFL games.

2. Where is the best place to take dance lessons here? I would love to learn salsa, bachata, or tango. And if there is not a place specifically for lessons is there a club or social group that dances.

Thanks! Excited for the rest of my year here in Bolivia :)

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Sep 08, 2013
American Football
by: Anonymous

I live in Cochabamba and just saw the Packers' season opener at a wings place called Factory. Their menu says a location is opening soon in SC. The wings are excellent (nothing out of the ordinary there) and the place looks a lot like your typical American sports bar & grill. I believe this was the late afternoon 'Game of the Week' that usually airs on Fox in the US, it was on the Fox Sports 2 channel in the restaurant. I don't know how it works with the 1pm games as a lot of that is regional coverage in the US. Also not sure how to get the English-language audio feed (definitely not the end of the world though), I myself am looking for a way to get live streaming radio broadcasts of the games. Good luck!

Sep 08, 2013
try these dance academies
by: BoliviaBella.com

You might want to contact some of these dance academies in Santa Cruz. If the contact information for any of them is outdated I'd appreciate knowing. Thanks, Bella.

Sep 08, 2013
NFL games
by: Grant

Not sure about the dance classes but you can watch some NFL on Fox/Espn via Cotas or Multivision.

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