where can i find pisco in santa cruz

by Nicholas
(Santa cruz)

Wondering in what supermarket in santa cruz will i be able to find bottles of pisco?

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Jul 23, 2011
In Search of Pisco
by: Anonymous

I tried and failed a couple of weeks ago to find pisco when I was the grateful recipent of a Wasska Pisco Sours Fun Pack (chicha, lemon-lime, and maracuya brought back by a travelerr freshly returned from Peru. However, three places said they usually have it and PROMISED it would be in soon. One was the above-mentioned Hipermaxi on Banzer at the Third Ring. The other was the liquor supermarket on the second ring at the rotunda where La Salle comes in, and the third was the Fidalga in Equipetrol, which usually has the biggest and best selection of wines and liquors in Santa Cruz, including THREE brands of bourbon (not counting Jack Daniels, which is not technically bourbon).

Jul 23, 2011
licorerias have it
by: Anonymous

You'll find Pisco and many of the licorerias (liquor stores) and also grocery stores, as the person below said. There is a licoreria on the 2nd ring and Beni I think (or by it's Alemania).

Jul 23, 2011
by: Anonymous

Pisco in Bolivia? You aren't impressed with the Singani produced here then? ;) It's grape brandy too.

I've never looked for Pisco but for an unusual liquor I would go to Hipermaxi on the junction of Banzer and the 3rd ring (so one ring up from the Cristo or the alcohol supermarket (I forget its name) on the second ring, between Av San Martin and Banzer.

I hope you find it, let us know how you get on!

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