Where to watch the Copa Mundial in Santa Cruz?

by Geddy

Hi, I would like to see the World Cup matches on a large screen TV in Santa Cruz. Are there any restaurants or sports bars that soccer fans go to in Santa Cruz to watch the games? A lively crowd and good beer make it more fun to watch! Thank you in advance. Geddy

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Jul 03, 2010
Copa Mundial
by: Geddy

Thanks for all the awesome recommendations. We will be in Santa Cruz for the semi-finals on the 7th and finals on the 11th. So far we still have Uruguay and Paraguay to root for.


Jul 03, 2010
world cup outdoor showing
by: Anonymous

They're showing the world cup games outdoors in the plaza BEHIND the cathedral (manzana uno) on an absolutely massive screen! Go to the main plaza and walk between the cathedral and the white municipal building to the other plaza behind it.

Jun 30, 2010
Copa Mundial
by: Geddy

Thanks for the recommendations. I also was wondering about the Irish Pub on the Main Plaza? I can't remember if they have a big screen or not for sports events. Is there anything equivalent to a sports bar in SC?

Jun 30, 2010
World Cup in Santa Cruz, Bolivia
by: Gijs

Bar Stadium 360, behind the Yotau Hotel (on equipetrol / av. San Martin) is a great place to watch the matches. They even have a tv in the bath room.

Jun 30, 2010
Where to watch the Copa Mundial in Santa Cruz
by: BoliviaBella

A couple of the cafés on Monseñor River appear to have the games on at specific game times, Equipetrol bars too - I've seen crowds there at game times.

I called the Bingo Bahiti 348-7000. They're showing the games on big screens at specific game times. No cover, you just go in and pay what you consume.

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