Working in Bolivia - Residency Requirements

by James

Hi, I have a job lined up in Santa Cruz and am looking to understand the process for obtaining residency in Bolivia.

I am currently applying for the Special Purpose Visa. From what I understand, I get 30 days to turn around a lot of different applications/ processes from various government agencies and I have yet to find documentation about which applications need to go to which agencies etc...

If anyone has any information on what exactly needs to be done it would be greatly appreciated.


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Mar 12, 2013
by: Hasan

I want job a volva can you help me

Jun 20, 2012
Residence Visa
by: Rebeca

The specific purpose visa, gives you 30 days in Bolivia. During those 30 days you must initiate you application for residency (always start with one year). Once you have turned in all the paperwork they require of you, they will give you a document that states your application is "en trámite" (being processed), it takes few weeks to be ready.

There are some requirements and documents to procure for the residency application. You have to begin immediately once you arrive in Bolivia with the INTERPOL certificate. It takes the longest.

I work for Expat Services from boliviabella. For more information please contact me:
mobile: (591) 77882222

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