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This is where you, our website visitors, can find or share best tips for pet travel to and from Bolivia. You can help a pet owner by providing advice for pets (and their people) on preparing in advance, what to take, health care, documentation, quarantine laws, pet carriers and travel accessories, animal shipping companies, pet passports, or any other subject you like. Some people are very anxious about their pet’s comfort and safety during a flight. Others worry about the effect of confinement and want more information on quarantines. Some need to know where they can find accommodations that are pet-friendly. It's your chance to find information or help someone else handle traveling with their pet without having a meltdown.

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See what others have to say about pet travel:
Pet Friendly Hotels Not rated yet We have created a site that allows you to book your next trip to hotels that allow pets. Our travel engine works just like Orbitz and other travel sites. …
pet shipping information Not rated yet I've put together a page with additional great information about pet shipping and pet travel information on my other website here Pet Relocation Information …
Pet friendly Accommodation in Bolivia Not rated yet The Rio Selva Hotel in Aranjuez, La Paz allowed me to stay with my two Aussies and a cat for 3 months. They were fantastic and very allowing. They also … Click here to write your own.
Pet Travel Home Page | Pet Shipping | Pet Travel Requirements
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