Bolivian Biscuit Not rated yet
When visiting La Paz late 1990s/early 2000s we frequented a shop at Plaza Abaroa that sold exclusively small round breads with additions inside such as …
Alguien sabe ?!? Not rated yet
Alguien sabe si puedo encontrar mocochinchi en cantidad en USA?
Looking for a chauchau soup recipe Not rated yet
Does anyone have a recipe for the soup Chauchau? I believe it is made with beef shank, and when done you drop in an egg? Possible not Bolivian, maybe Chilean? …
You can now buy llajua on Amazon Not rated yet
For those who live in the USA and miss our delicious llajua, Amazon is now selling green and red llajua in jars. The taste is fresh and just the aroma …
Pasankalla Not rated yet
Para los que viven en USA, Global Foods tiene Pasankalla en bolsas. Sabe alguien donde comprar café Boliviano y Api.
I need a recipe for Aymara no-bake bread Not rated yet
Does anyone know what the bolivian (aymara) "Bread" is called that is made from Quinoa flour and pressed into a handprint and does not need baking?
Kalaphurka soup of Potosi Not rated yet
I'd like to make this soup which I had in Potosi. Can you tell me what is the rock that is dropped in the soup to keep it sizzling and bubbling? Is it …
Aloo ki Bhujia - A Vegetarian Delight Not rated yet
Typical Indian or Pakistani Dish. Really easy to cook. Cooking and prep time top 30 mins.
1 Pound of potatoes
3 Mid size onion
4 …
How can I make homemade yogurt in Bolivia? Not rated yet
There's no good regular yogurt in Bolivia. All the yogurt is watery and runny and too sweet! I like my yogurt thick and a little savory, like plain Greek …
What kinds of food do bolivians eat? Not rated yet
What kinds of food do Bolivians eat?
Check out our huge enormous section on Bolivian Food and our other enormous …
Looking for a Bolivian cheese recipe Not rated yet
Can anyone help with this? I cant find recipes or any of the cultures needed for this kind of cheese.
I can make a simple queso fresco - but this does …
I found pecans in Bolivia! Not rated yet
If you're American and living in Bolivia and you are accustomed to celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas and every day in between with pecan pie, as …
Rollo de Queso Recipe? Not rated yet
I go to a Bolivian cafe and get this sweet butter bread with fresco cheese in the middle but cannot find a recipe to make my own. Can you help me? Thank …
Recipe – Tree tomatoes in syrup Not rated yet
Bella and I tasted tree tomatoes in a delicious jam a few months back. On a trip to the supermarket soon after I was really pleased to find that tree …
Sango recipe Not rated yet
Does anyone have the recipe for Sango?
Bolivian Cuisine Not rated yet
Bolivian cuisine is gaining in popularity and not just in Bolivia. As more Bolivians move overseas, and more travelers visit Bolivia, typical Bolivian …
What is served for dia de la amistad ? Not rated yet
What is served for dia de la amistad?
If you accessed this article from our August 2011 issue of Bella News, return to reading the issue here .
Asparagus Torte?? Torta? Not rated yet
A distant friend of mine from Bolivia used to make what she called a "Torta/torte"?? it was with white bread, olives, chicken meat and asparagus with home …
sobre la "chicha" Not rated yet
Compré en un mercado un polvo anaranjado para la preparación de la Chicha (según me dijeron) y no encuentro la receta. Por favor, si alguien sabe como …
saltena santa cruz recipe Not rated yet
does anybody have the salteña recipe that salteña santa cruz makes. the chicken stew ones,they are the best! id love to have that recipe, the dough and …
Bolivian Quinoa Grain and Fruit Cereal Not rated yet
You can make delicious Bolivian cereal with one of the world's healthiest grains (quinoa) in just a few steps. Bolivia is now exporting quinoa to numerous …
Salsa de Albahaca - Basilic Sauce Not rated yet
Albahaca is basil. In Bolivia we use basilic sauce mostly on hot dogs and hamburgers and less so on salads! Here's what you'll need:
1 cup of plain …
Salsa Golf - Bolivian Salad Dressing Not rated yet
You’ll need:
½ cup (or 1 can) of Ketchup (or any tomato sauce with no salt)
1 cup (or ½ pack) of Mayonnaise
1 teaspoon lemon juice
How to prepare: …
Salsa Vinagreta - Vinagrette Dressing Not rated yet
You’ll need:
6 teaspoon oil ( olive oil or any other)
2 teaspoon wine vinegar (apple cider vinegar can be used, too)
Black pepper
How to …
Salsa Citrica - Bolivian Citrus Sauce Not rated yet
You’ll need:
4 Mandarin Oranges, juiced
1/2 lemon juice
1 teaspoon lemon powder
1 clove Garlic, minced
2 tablespoons olive oil
Salt to taste …
Bolivian Corn and Honey Mustard Salad Not rated yet
For this recipe you'll need large kernel white corn. If you have trouble finding this type of corn outside of Bolivia, you can substitute with hominy. …
Bolivian Rice and Tuna Salad Not rated yet
This salad, although it's made with rice, is actually served cold and it's really tasty! It takes almost no time to make and is very healthy too. It makes …
Bolivian Red Bell Pepper Salad Not rated yet
This salad is very easy to make and is filled with nutrition and vitamins. It takes just 10-15 minutes to prepare. Because it also contains beets, it's …
Labor Day Without the Labor Not rated yet
Arroz a la Valenciana, also known as paella, is a quick, convenient dish to make that doesn't require a lot of labor. It's a perfect choice for a Bolivian …
Mocochinchi (Dried Peach Juice) Not rated yet
You’ll need:
1 pound dehydrated whole peaches (never use sweetened ones)
2 sticks of cinnamon
3 coups of water
Sugar as needed (for the caramel and …
Refresco de Linaza (Raw Flax Seed Juice) Not rated yet
You’ll need:
2 Liters of Water
1/2 cup of whole flax seed (flakes if you prefer)
Sugar to taste
How to prepare:
Place one or two cups of the water …
Majao (Rice with Jerked Beef) Not rated yet
You’ll need: (for 4 portions) Majao is from Santa Cruz.
5 cups water
1/2 pound charque (dried and salty jerked beef)
1 cup rice
1/2 cup onion , thinly …
Fricase (Spicy Pork stew) Not rated yet
Fricase is from La Paz. You'll need: (For 8 portions)
2 spoonfuls oil
2.2 pounds pork meat, preferable ribs, cut into 16 pieces
1 cup white onion, …
Pan fried Titicaca rainbow trout Not rated yet
Bolivia may not have access to the sea but there is always delicious trout from Lake Titicaca. Along the drive to the lake and in Copacabana you can enjoy …
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