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Bolivian Food and Recipes

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See More Bolivian Recipes and Questions

Where Can I Find Api Morado in Los Angeles? 
Hello all! I came across a blog on here similarly looking for Api in the states, but sadly, all the suggestions weren't an option for me in Los Angeles. …

Productos Bolivianos para los Bolivianos en Estados Unidos 
Quiero compartir un sitio web que se llama Envían café Copacabana, chocolates, sopas deshidratadas, llajua, y productos nacionales. …

Spicy Tangerine Jam - Bolivian Food and Recipes 
If you've never made your own spicy tangerine jam, you haven't lived life to the fullest yet... but there's still time, because this recipe takes very …

Does anyone have a recipe for Bolivian ajiaco soup? 
I am a Canadian who often goes to Bolivia on vacation. When I can get it, my favourite meal is Bolivian Ajiaco soup. Can someone please send me the recipe …

Need a recipe for chiro 
Recipe for chiro

Looking for a simple Bolivian recipe, any ideas? 
Our Bolivian co-worker is transferring to another department, and I'd like to make a Bolivian dish for her farewell party. Any suggestions for a fairly …

Bolivian Sweet Bread? 

Slow cookers in Bolivia? 
Have you found slow cookers anywhere in Bolivia? I'd like to buy one and they are pretty heavy (and take a lot of space in luggage) to bring from another …

Aji Turkey? Is this traditional or just something my Bolivian Mother did? 
Hello, my Mother was Bolivian and she passed away 3 yrs ago. I'm teaching my daughters some of her recipes but can't find or remember the one for Aji Turkey. …

What are some Bolivian desserts?  
What are some Bolivian dessert recipes?

Anday Tikka - Simplest thing in the world to make. So let's get started. 
Ingredients 8 Hard boiled eggs 4 Medium size potatoes 1 Cup Bread crumbs 2 TSP Black pepper Small bunch of fresh cilantro 2 Eggs white Oil …

Foodie Friday - How to Make Ranch Dressing with Only 3 Things - What Hidden Valley Doesn't Want you to Read 
Here we go with another #FoodieFriday - only this time on Friday I hope. One of the things since living in Bolivia that is not available all the time, …

Belated Foodie Friday Freebie - How to Make Cupis #FoodieFriday 
Hey everyone. I wrote this blog for yesterday. We were going to launch Foodie Friday, but due to unexpected technical difficulties, I was unable to post …

Help! Question about Bolivian Tawa Tawas! 
During what holidays are tawa-tawas eaten? I know Three Kings Day, but what else?

Eating nuts and pork together 
Someone told me you can not eat nuts and pork together in Bolivia.

What types of food do people eat in Bolivia? 
What types of food do people eat in Bolivia?

What are some typical Bolivian meals? 
I am doing a project about meals around the world on my blog I was wondering if anyone could give me a suggestion …

I need API!! 
Hello I live in California, San Jose to be exact. I'm looking to buy API as I love it. Any idea of markets or online stores where I can buy it? Thank you. …

Casquitos de Guayaba - Sweet Guava Dessert 
Casquitos de Guayaba (which literally means "guava peels") is a Cuban dessert. Although not a Bolivian food, I'm including it in our Bolivian recipes …

Will I find these ingredients for Asian food in Bolivia? 
Hi! I'm a big fan of Thai and Indian cuisine. And I like cooking those foods. I'm moving to Bolivia in November and I'd be happy if someone could tell …

Indian Food in Santa Cruz 
Hello everyone. Myself Abhay, basically from India and have just moved to Santa Cruz for work purpose. So far my experience with this city has been very …

My cakes won't rise!  
I have recently moved to La Paz with my family. I am having the hardest time with baking cakes. No matter how I alter the recipe, I can not get my cakes …

Chef Trent's Fave Recipes: Hungarian Smoked Paprika Goulash- A Bolivian food adventure story 
A couple of years ago I spent a week making friends with a fellow named Mike Fruergaard, a Danish traveler and author, who was staying in our La Posada …

Chef Trent's Fave Recipes: Picadillo de Pollo (Jay Austin’s Home Specialty) 
Is great food that is cooked by a new Bolivian expat resident considered Bolivian food? You are darned right it is and I’ll prove it. Jay Austin, a former …

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Chef Trent's Fave Recipes: Fricase Texipateno (Bolivian style spicy pork stew with my own touch!) 
Fricase Texipaceno: Running late this week with my recipe, but it will be worth the wait. It is an authentic dish from La Paz with a touch of Chef Trent …

Chef Trent's Fave Recipes: Jessica’s Texas-Made Chicken & Dumplins (Soon to be great Bolivian food!) 
Today I will spotlight Home Chef Jessica Burks from Houston, Texas. She is already a fan of Chef Trent and has been following me and my fabulous Bolivian …

Chef Trent's Fave Recipes: Aztec Soup - La Luna Verde Specialty, Samaipata, Bolivia 
So many people have begged me for this recipe that I finally decided to spill it...the recipe not the soup. It is commonly called Tortilla Soup back in …

Chef Trent's Fave Recipes: Roasted Curried Cauliflower - La Paz, Bolivia 
So many of you who are reading this are home chefs just as I was at one time. You are the salt of the earth and you can invite Chef Trent to your house …

What are some common, every day foods in Bolivia? 
What is something that the average Bolivian would eat every week, or is there one?

Can I use jalapeños instead of locoto for llajua? 
Can I use jalapeno peppers instead of locoto for llajua?

Where can I find brewer's yeast powder in Santa Cruz, Bolivia 
Hi everyone, I'm wondering if anyone out there knows where in Santa Cruz de la Sierra I can find brewer's yeast powder. I've been looking anywhere such …

Traditional Bolivian Christmas Recipes: Cola de Mono (Eggnog) 
Cola de Mono is a traditional Christmas drink in Bolivia, similar to eggnog in that is has a thick, sweet texture. However, while the primary ingredient …

Apple Raisin Tamarillo (Tree Tomato) Crumble 
I find it hard to get motivated to bake in Santa Cruz, Bolivia in the spring and summer (August to April) because of the extreme heat and humidity. So …

Which cut of meat is used for chicharron? 
For chicharron, what cut of meat is used? I ask because every place I have had chicharron (minus bolivian) it is pork belly, which is not the same as I …

Papa Rellenas 
Ingredientes : • 1 kilo de papas • 1 yema de huevo • 1 cebolla picadita • 1 tomate en cuadritos • 1 cuchara de aji colorado molido • 250 gr carne …

How can I make homemade cheese in La Paz? 
I would like to make my own cheese, where can I find the cultures I need to make it? I live in La Paz.

Ingredient substitutions for cunapes? 
Can I use cornstarch instead of yuca starch to make cunapes?

How to make bolivian food? 
How do i make a bolivian food really quick and cheap by tommorrow?

Guava Jam - Mermelada de Guayaba 
I usually wait all year to make guava jam because guavas (known as guayabas, here in Bolivia) are only available seasonally and for a very short time. …

I grew up in Bolivia eating what we called milanesa, however, the website lists the same food as silpanchu. Is it just called by a different name in a …

What festival are Bolivian "cocadas" associated with? 
I have this assignment due.. Do you know what festival cocadas (coconut candy) come from and any information about it? I have searched the web but can …

What is Bolivia's national food? 
What is the national food of bolivia?

What is the national food of Bolivia? 
What is the national food of Bolivia?

I need a simple Bolivian recipe for a Spanish class of 40 
I need a recipe for my spanish class that is from bolivia, the dish has to have history and has to be authentic but i have to make 40 so something really …

What makes Bolivian lemonade so green and delicious? 
Someone asked in our forums today what makes Bolivian lemonade so different and delicious? They mentioned Bolivian lemonade has a greenish tint and has …

Recipe for Christmas Donuts (Bunuelos de Navidad)  
Does anyone have the recipe for Christmas Donuts? (Bunuelos de Navidad) Thank you !

Changa de pollo o de conejo 
How do you make this dish?

I Found Sour Cream in Santa Cruz, Bolivia! 
When you live overseas the most trivial things can make you so, so happy! There is always something that you miss about "the home country" that you just …

Chicken Recipe - Milanesa 
It had chicken that had to be pounded/flattened and had some seasonings and/or breading on the outside? If you know the name of the dish that would be …

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Green Chili Sauce for Saltenas 
Does anyone have a recipe for the green chili sauce that is served with salteñas?

Chicha morada 
I saw the chicha morada recipe here; shouldn't it contain something like cal calcium hydroxide in order to bring out the nutrients. That same …

Does bolivian food contain nuts? 
I will be travelling around Bolivia and want to avoid anything with nuts in it as I have a nut allergy.

Food expenses in Bolivia? 
What are food expenses in Bolivia?

Which cut of meat for silpanchos? 
We have a Bolivian exchange student this year and he wants to make us silpanchos. Can anyone give me an idea of what cut of meat I should buy for this …

There is a bolivian recipe here in providence and the best meat I ever tried was a dish they called keperi, not sure of the spelling, but can't figure …

Dried peaches in breakfast food...what is it? 
When we were in Santa Cruz, at breakfast one day we were served a dish that had dried peaches. We cannot remember the name of the dish or any other ingredients. …

Where can I find charque in the US? 
My daughter spent several weeks in Bolivia this summer and loved the food. She has looked up some recipes and we are having problems finding some of the …

Where to buy salteñas in the United States 
Are there any places that make salteñas and ship them here in the US?

Flor de Jamaica Jam 
A month or so ago I went to a “Feria” (in this context a fayre, or show) of produce from the valleys to the west of Santa Cruz. A lot of the exhibits …

Looking for Bolivian food for my wedding 
My husband is from cochabamba and he hasn't been back in 12 years. I am tejana and I am not sure about bolivian food. We have been married for 7 years …

Maracuya (Passion Fruit) Cheesecake 
I'd been craving cheesecake. I am not sure what they make cheesecakes of here in Bolivia, but they never tastes quite right to me. This might be because …

how do you make bolivian smores? 
how do you make bolivian smores?

Tamarillo Cranberry Chutney 
Tamarillo is a small, tangy fruit that grows in the Bolivian highlands, although it can also be grown in the tropical lowlands. The tamarillo is known …

Recipe for biscochos that are not the mexican wedding cake 
HI I am wondering if anyone has a recipe for Biscochos, these are not the Mexican wedding cookie they are kind of like a biscuit for coffee. thank you …

Looking for recipe: Mayonaisa 
I would love the recipe for Mayonaisa, a bolivian potato salad, as I recall it. Thanks

Pique Macho Recipe 
Pique Macho (or Pique a lo Macho) is actually incredibly easy to cook but, ladies, it will win you big points with the man in your life (if that kind …

Quinoa Chocolate Cake 
The idea for a quinoa-based recipe came from press articles our webmaster had seen reporting the decline in domestic consumption of quinoa in Bolivia. …

Servings of Rice Pudding 
How many servings does the rice pudding recipe make?

frying bananas 
I bought some plantains and cut them lengthwise and fried them in oil. They came out dry. They didn't burn and they weren't crispy, just dry inside. They …

american products in santa cruz? 
are there many american products in the grocery stores in bolivia, specifically santa cruz? products such as cream cheese, canned soups, pudding (instant …

Salteña recipe - Number of servings? 
How many servings does the saltena recipe serve?

What is the best way to freeze saltenas? 
I want to know the best way to freeze the saltenas after I make them. What should I wrap them in? Foil? And then how long do I need to cook them once …

do you have a recipe for buñuelos? 
Is there a recipe for buñuelos?

how to make llajua? 
I believe you use 2 jalopeno peppers, 2 tomatos, some parsley, and the mix it all up in a blender. It tastes really good used as a dip. Does anyone …

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Mate y Terere 
Where can YERBA (hierba) be purchased in Santa Cruz?

More information on Cuñapes 
Hello! My family and I have some connections with Bolivia and, of course, its food. A question has been nagging us for some time, though: Cannot cuñapes …

pastel de api 
looking for a recipe for the cheese empanada with powdered sugar on top that is eaten in the morning the api...

Need receta 
need receta for chicharon de chancho cerdo as made in Oruro

Recipes in BOLIVIA  
HI MY Rasha and im doin a spanish project on Bolivia and i need to make food from the country and im looking for the picture of the food and its reciepes …

Empanadas Tucumanas – Deep Fried Beef Stew Empanadas 
Empanadas Tucumanas are thought to have originated in Argentina. Some say a woman who moved from Argentina brought the recipe with her when she moved to …

Humintas a la Olla - Boiled Corn Tamales 
In Bolivia there are two ways to make humintas, boiled or baked. You'll find the recipe for Baked Humintas (Humintas al Horno) here. Humintas are very …

Zonzo - Grilled Mashed Yucca with Cheese 
Zonzo is prepared two different ways in Bolivia, either oven baked or open-grilled, and is typical to Eastern Bolivia, especially the department of Santa …

sour cream 
Does anyone know where I can find sour cream (perhaps in a grocery store) in Santa Cruz? Not the homemade kind either - I have been looking all over for …

Achojcha Rellena - Bolivian Stuffed Caigua 
You'll need: 6 caigua (this recipe works with okra too) 1 chicken breast, 1 carrot, cooked and chopped in small pieces For the dressing: 2 tomatoes …

Escabeche de Verduras - Bolivian Pickled Vegetables 
You’ll need: 1 pound carrots ½ teaspoon salt 1 pound small onions ½ pound red locotos (hot peppers) ½ pound green locotos 1 pound string beans …

Saltenas in Sacramento or Davis CA 
Hi! Anyone knows if there are saltenas in Sacramento or Davis? Thanks! Maria

Baked goods? 
We are having a cultural fair at our school complete with stands to sell foods from various cultures. Our class is focusing on Bolivia and we need to sell …

Where would I buy porotos in southern CA? Or order them on the internet? Mary Sedmak

Perfect Bolivian Rice 
"What do Bolivians do to make such perfect rice? When I eat rice in Bolivian restaurants it's ALWAYS perfect and delicious but when I cook rice at home …

sandwich de chola 
i need a recipe for my homework

Bolivia Drink Recipe (non-alcohol please) 
Hi I'm in 6th grade and i need an easy Bolivian drink recipe for my class of 100 people please help!!!

Recipe for Chanka 
My 6th grade daughter has to prepare a dish from Bolivia. She has chosen to prepare Changa (chanka). Please inform me of how to prepare this dish. Thanks. …

Saltenas Pacenas and Sucrenses (A Bolivian Empanada) 
These Salteñas are from La Paz and Sucre. You’ll need for the filling: (It must be prepared the night before) 1 1/2 lbs. top round steak cut in 1/2 inch …

Helado de Canela
(Cinnamon Sorbet)
Helado de Canela is from Cochabamba, Bolivia. You’ll need the following ingredients (for up to 8 portions): 5 cups water 1 1/4 cups granulated sugar …

Cocadas (Coconut Candy) 
Cocadas are from Tarija. You’ll need the following ingredients for 2 dozen candies: 2 2/3 cups shredded coconut (fresh shreds work better than …

Saice (Spicy meat) 
Saice is from Tarija, the southern-most state of Bolivia on the border with Argentina. It's a spicy meat dish cooked with peas, potatoes, and chili paste. …

Picante de Pollo (Spicy chicken) 
Picante de Pollo is from Cochabamba. You'll need: 3 pounds chicken, divided into parts ¼ cup ají (or ground cayenne pepper) 2 cups of white onion, …

where to find saltenas in california 
Hi. Anyone know where I can order Saltenas? There used to be a restaurant in orange county, ca, but I cannot seem to locate it. I want to mail order. I …

Saltenas in Canada! 
Dear BoliviaBella, I recently posted a bit of my saltena-making adventures in Canada, and you replied that you might soon need photo confirmation. Well, …

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Rita's Bolivian Beef and Cheese Empanadas 
I made the cheese empanadas at my Aunt Rita's house and she said they were just like the ones she had growing up in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. She also gave …

fried llama 
Dear Readers: I'm sure this recipe submission was meant as a joke. However, I should let you know that all recipe submissions are MANUALLY APPROVED by …

Pastel de Quinua - Quinoa Quiche 
Para 5 porciones / Makes 5 portions INGREDIENTES / INGREDIENTS 300g quinua en grano / 300 grams quinoa grains 100g queso rallado / 100 grams shredded …

Recipe for Saltenas: One of Bolivia's Most Famous Foods 
The salteña (pronounced salt-enya ) is one of the, if not the , most famous Bolivian food items in the world. This little baked dough pocket is filled …

Bolivian Chocolate Dipped Strawberries: Dessert Recipes 
Chocolate dipped strawberries are a popular food gift item in Bolivia, where there are numerous artisan chocolate companies and factories. Chocolate is …

Cuñapes: Chewy Cheese Bread
Bolivian Food and Recipes
Cuñapés are a type of Bolivian bread snack that is easily made with just a few ingredients. This delicious, chewy bread is filled with cheese and formed …

Bolivian Majadito de Charque: Sloppy Rice with Pulled Beef 
Majao de charque (also known as majadito de charque) is a traditional Bolivian meal cooked in the Eastern states of Beni and Santa Cruz, in the hot, humid …

Silpancho: Traditional Bolivian Food, Recipes and Main Courses 
Silpancho is a large, traditional Bolivian main course meal that originates in the city of Cochabamba, known for it's delicious food and plentiful helpings. …

Sopa de mani (Peanut Soup) 
Sopa de Maní is from Cochabamba. You'll need: 1 Tablespoon peanut oil 1 large onion, cut into a dice 2 carrots, cut into thick rounds 1/2 cup green …

Traditional Bolivian Christmas Recipes: Lechón al Horno (Pork Roast) 
Lechón al Horno (Pork Roast) is one of the Bolivian recipes that have become a Christmas tradition in this country. Suckling pig is typically used for …

Is it true that Bolivians eat guinea pigs?!? 
Is it true that bolivians eat guinea pigs?!? because i heard they do. that would be gross.

Bolivian Baked Stuffed Zucchini 
This is one of my favorite ways to eat zucchini. It's very tasty and easy to make. You'll probably have no problem getting kids to eat their vegetables …

Bolivian Biscuit Not rated yet
When visiting La Paz late 1990s/early 2000s we frequented a shop at Plaza Abaroa that sold exclusively small round breads with additions inside such as …

Does anyone have a recipe for traditional bido tacana chilli powder? Not rated yet
Does anyone have a recipe for traditional bido tacana chilli powder?

Alguien sabe ?!? Not rated yet
Alguien sabe si puedo encontrar mocochinchi en cantidad en USA?

Looking for a chauchau soup recipe Not rated yet
Does anyone have a recipe for the soup Chauchau? I believe it is made with beef shank, and when done you drop in an egg? Possible not Bolivian, maybe Chilean? …

You can now buy llajua on Amazon Not rated yet
For those who live in the USA and miss our delicious llajua, Amazon is now selling green and red llajua in jars. The taste is fresh and just the aroma …

Chuños: The Ugly Little Potatoes Everyone Loves. Bolivian Food and Recipes Not rated yet
Chuños (pronounced CHOO-nyos ) are freeze dried, dehydrated potatoes used frequently in Bolivian food and recipes, mostly in Western and central Bolivia, …

Ajiaco Traditional Soup of the Andes: Bolivian Food Recipes Not rated yet
Ajiaco is a brothy soup known all over South America, but prepared in different ways that are specific to each country. Bolivians and Peruvians, for example, …

The Second Most Commonly Used Spice in Bolivian Cooking: Bolivian Food and Recipes Not rated yet
Comino is a seasoning that is very commonly used in Bolivian food, especially in meat dishes. Comino (cumin, in English) is a plant that has very small …

What's the Difference Between a Plátano and Plátano Postre? Bolivian Food and Recipes Not rated yet
In English, a banana is a banana and a plantain is a plantain. But it's not surprising that you are confused about bananas in South America, where you'll …

Spicing Things up with Llajua (Bolivian Hot Sauce): Bolivian Food, Recipes and Ingredients Not rated yet
It seems that every country in South America has its own special version of hot sauce, and while many recipes use similar ingredients, each country's …

Anise, The Spice that Smells Like Licorice: Bolivian Food & Recipes Not rated yet
Anise (also called aniseed) is a plant that produces tiny, aromatic seeds that smell like black licorice. The seeds are dried and used in recipes (either …

Anyone have a recipe for Bolivian papalisa food dish? Not rated yet
Does anyone have a recipe for Bolivian papalisa food dish?

What do you guys eat for breakfast in Bolivia? Not rated yet
What do you guys eat for breakfast in Bolivia? Thanks for your question. The most typical Bolivian breakfast is similar to what restaurants and hotels …

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Saltenas Deli in United States Coming Soon !! Not rated yet
Salteñas From Bolivian in United States Salteñas Deli in the United States promoting the most authentic Bolivian cuisine of the national gastronomy as …

How to replicate real Bolivian queso's taste? Not rated yet
I lived in Santa Cruz for 2 years when I was a kid back in the 1980's. Ever since I took my first bite into a fresh Bolivian queso in the open air market, …

Pasankalla Not rated yet
Para los que viven en USA, Global Foods tiene Pasankalla en bolsas. Sabe alguien donde comprar café Boliviano y Api.

Looking for an amazing Bolivian cake recipe Not rated yet
My husband lived in Bolivia for 2 years near Cochabamba and loved the cakes that he had there. He speaks of their moist dense texture and how much better …

I need a recipe for Aymara no-bake bread Not rated yet
Does anyone know what the bolivian (aymara) "Bread" is called that is made from Quinoa flour and pressed into a handprint and does not need baking?

Is baked stuffed zucchini a traditional Bolivian dish for Carnaval? Not rated yet
Is baked stuffed zucchini a traditional Bolivian dish for Carnaval?

Kalaphurka soup of Potosi Not rated yet
I'd like to make this soup which I had in Potosi. Can you tell me what is the rock that is dropped in the soup to keep it sizzling and bubbling? Is it …

Aloo ki Bhujia - A Vegetarian Delight Not rated yet
Typical Indian or Pakistani Dish. Really easy to cook. Cooking and prep time top 30 mins. Ingredients 1 Pound of potatoes 3 Mid size onion 4 …

How about some Mint Chutney with your meal tonight? Not rated yet
Ok here we go. My first posting on Today I will show you how to make Mint Chutney the easiest way possible. You have all the ingredients …

Popular Bolivian Dishes Not rated yet
What are some popular Bolivian dishes?

what kind of things do the Bolivian people eat on a regular day? Not rated yet
What food do Bolivian people eat on a regular basis?

How can I make homemade yogurt in Bolivia? Not rated yet
There's no good regular yogurt in Bolivia. All the yogurt is watery and runny and too sweet! I like my yogurt thick and a little savory, like plain Greek …

A Delicious Quinoa Recipe Book - For Baking! Not rated yet
Quinoa is typically served hot in soups, vegetable dishes, and salty baked side-dishes for lunch or dinner in Bolivia. But quinoa, considered a superfood …

Why do some advise not to cook with red or black quinoa? Not rated yet
Regarding Quinoa: I was reading a quinoa recipe and it advised not using red or black quinoa. Why? Does the color of the quinoa persist in the food?

What kinds of food do bolivians eat? Not rated yet
What kinds of food do Bolivians eat? ------------------------------------ Check out our huge enormous section on Bolivian Food and our other enormous …

Quinoa is One of the Most Nutritious Foods in the World Not rated yet
The tiny seeds of the quinoa plant are the stuff of nutritionists' dreams, sending demand soaring in the developed world. Gram-for-gram, quinoa is one …

Need this recipe: chicken with noodles and egg? Not rated yet
I have a friend whose grandmother makes a dish when he goes down to Bolivia to visit. It has chicken in it, with noodles and then an egg is cracked into …

Bolivian Food: What is Jonchi and Tahuari? Not rated yet
Does anyone know what means jonchi and tahuari? They are suppose to be Bolivian food. Thanks

Traditional Bolivian Christmas Recipes: Buñuelos (Deep Fried Sweetbread) Not rated yet
Buñuelos are a soft doughy sweetbread that is deep fried, much in the same way doughnuts are made, with a similar flavor but a slightly more chewy texture, …

Recipe for papas rellenas from Sucre? Not rated yet
What's a good recipe for papas rellenas stuffed with egg or cheese, like the ones they make in Sucre?

Need a recipe / necesito una receta: papas rellenas Not rated yet
Does anyone have a good recipe for papas rellenas made with egg? Alguien tiene una buena receta de papas rellenos con huevo?

i need a Bolivian recipe for a Spanish class of 30 Not rated yet
I need a Bolivian recipe for a Spanish class of 30

Bolivian Food and Recipes: Repollo Relleno - Stuffed Cabbage Not rated yet
Stuffed cabbage is quite popular in Bolivia, although probably an imported recipe which has been adapted to the Bolivian palate. This recipe makes 6-8 …

Ultimate egg sandwich with a Bolivian touch! Not rated yet
If you're tired of the same boring fried or scrambled egg breakfast, here's something tasty to try. Ingredients are for one. Ingredients 1-2 eggs …

Looking for recipes for two Bolivian breads: lunas and marraquetas Not rated yet
2-Apr-2012 Can anyone provide me with the recipes for marraquetas and lunas? These are two traditional Bolivian breads. To respond please click on …

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Easter Food in Bolivia: 12 Meals for the 12 Apostles Not rated yet
During the week of Easter in Bolivia the culinary arts and religion come together to celebrate this Christian festivity with an unusual tradition: 12 …

Hay alguien quién tenga una receta for puerco asado Boliviano?  Not rated yet
Hay alguien quién tenga una receta for puerco asado Boliviano? Se prepara de varios tipos de pimientos que resulta en una salsa rojoa. Está asado con patatas, …

Looking for a Bolivian cheese recipe Not rated yet
Can anyone help with this? I cant find recipes or any of the cultures needed for this kind of cheese. I can make a simple queso fresco - but this does …

I found pecans in Bolivia! Not rated yet
If you're American and living in Bolivia and you are accustomed to celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas and every day in between with pecan pie, as …

Why or when do bolivian people eat aji de lengua Not rated yet
Why do or when do Bolivian people eat aji de lengua? In response: Aji de lengua is a very common or popular dish eaten all over Bolivia. It's spicy …

Rollo de Queso Recipe? Not rated yet
I go to a Bolivian cafe and get this sweet butter bread with fresco cheese in the middle but cannot find a recipe to make my own. Can you help me? Thank …

Recipe – Tree tomatoes in syrup Not rated yet
Bella and I tasted tree tomatoes in a delicious jam a few months back. On a trip to the supermarket soon after I was really pleased to find that tree …

Sango recipe Not rated yet
Does anyone have the recipe for Sango?

Bolivian Cuisine Not rated yet
Bolivian cuisine is gaining in popularity and not just in Bolivia. As more Bolivians move overseas, and more travelers visit Bolivia, typical Bolivian …

im looking for recipe on stuffed avocados Not rated yet
Looking for a recipe for stuffed avocados

Rice for Rice Pudding Not rated yet
what kind of rice do you use when making Bolivian rice pudding ?

Bolivian Rice (One of our family staple meals) Not rated yet
This rice dish is one of my families favorites 1 lb low fat ground beef 1 chopped onion 1 chopped Roma tomato 1 cup long grain rice 1 T cooking …

Bolivian Guiso de Carne (Receta de Tio Miguel) Not rated yet
This should come out somewhere between a soup and a stew and of course there are multiple variations of this recipe. I've seen recipes with oregano or …

Pastel de hojas Not rated yet
Does anybody has recipe for PASTEL DE HOJAS

What is served for dia de la amistad ? Not rated yet
What is served for dia de la amistad? If you accessed this article from our August 2011 issue of Bella News, return to reading the issue here .

Homemade CHAI TEA for sale in Santa Cruz, Bolivia!! Not rated yet
Hello Everyone, I want to take this opportunity to tell all of you living in Santa Cruz that I make and sell a homemade mix of Chai Tea. For any of you …

Asparagus Torte?? Torta?  Not rated yet
A distant friend of mine from Bolivia used to make what she called a "Torta/torte"?? it was with white bread, olives, chicken meat and asparagus with home …

sobre la "chicha" Not rated yet
Compré en un mercado un polvo anaranjado para la preparación de la Chicha (según me dijeron) y no encuentro la receta. Por favor, si alguien sabe como …

I have a question about a recipe that you don't have listed.... Not rated yet
I grew up in Bolivia since my parents were missionaries. This dish was my absolute favorite, but I don't see it mentioned anywhere. I might have just missed …

beef plates Not rated yet
beef plate recipe

saltena santa cruz recipe Not rated yet
does anybody have the salteña recipe that salteña santa cruz makes. the chicken stew ones,they are the best! id love to have that recipe, the dough and …

Bolivian Quinoa Grain and Fruit Cereal Not rated yet
You can make delicious Bolivian cereal with one of the world's healthiest grains (quinoa) in just a few steps. Bolivia is now exporting quinoa to numerous …

Chicharron and the Virgen de Urkupiña Festival Not rated yet
Chicharrón, or roast pork, is typically fried, not baked, in Bolivia. It hails from Cochabamba, a city famous for its many delicious (and usually huge) …

Quien Sirve Comidas Bolivianas en Florida? Not rated yet
vivo en Stuart florida, donde puedo comprar saltenas y otras comidas Bolivianas

Salsa de Albahaca - Basilic Sauce Not rated yet
Albahaca is basil. In Bolivia we use basilic sauce mostly on hot dogs and hamburgers and less so on salads! Here's what you'll need: 1 cup of plain …

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Salsa Cruda - Bolivian Pico de Gallo Recipe Not rated yet
You’ll need: ½ cup onion, sliced ½ cup tomato, peeled and finely chopped 1 locoto (chili pepper) 1 teaspoon fresh parsley 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon …

Salsa Golf - Bolivian Salad Dressing Not rated yet
You’ll need: ½ cup (or 1 can) of Ketchup (or any tomato sauce with no salt) 1 cup (or ½ pack) of Mayonnaise 1 teaspoon lemon juice How to prepare: …

Salsa Vinagreta - Vinagrette Dressing Not rated yet
You’ll need: 6 teaspoon oil ( olive oil or any other) 2 teaspoon wine vinegar (apple cider vinegar can be used, too) Salt Black pepper How to …

Salsa Citrica - Bolivian Citrus Sauce Not rated yet
You’ll need: 4 Mandarin Oranges, juiced 1/2 lemon juice 1 teaspoon lemon powder 1 clove Garlic, minced 2 tablespoons olive oil Salt to taste …

Ensalada de Cochayuyo - Titicaca Seaweed Salad Not rated yet
You’ll need: 1 pack of dried or fresh Cochayuyo (a weed native from Lake Titicaca) 1 cup finely chopped cilantro 1 cup onion, diced 1/2 cup apple …

Ensalada de Manzana - Bolivian Apple Salad Not rated yet
You'll need: 2 cups green apple, diced 1 cup celery, chopped (discard the leaves) 1 teaspoon lemon juice Mayonnaise, as needed How to prepare: …

Ensalada de Zanahoria y Lechuga - Bolivian Lettuce and Carrot Salad Not rated yet
You’ll need: 3 carrots 1 1/2 cup lettuce, chopped 1 teaspoon lemon juice Olive oil, to taste Salt, as needed 1 cup tomato, sliced 1/2 onion, …

Ensalada de Porotos - Bolivian Bean Salad Not rated yet
You'll need: 2/3 cup granulated sugar 1 scant teaspoon celery salt 1/2 extra-virgin olive oil 1/2 red wine vinegar or substitute cider vinegar …

Ensalada de Pepino - Bolivian Cucumber Salad Not rated yet
You’ll need: 3 large cucumbers, peeled, diced (or thinly sliced, if you prefer) 1 cup white vinegar (optional) 1 teaspoon salt Cheese as needed, …

Ensalada de Palta - Bolivian Avocado Salad Not rated yet
You’ll need: 1/4 cup onion, finely chopped 2 teaspoons lemon juice, if desired 1 tomato, chopped 1 Avocado, peeled, pitted and diced How …

Ensalada de Coliflor - Bolivian Cauliflower Salad Not rated yet
You’ll need: 2 cauliflower heads 2 teaspoons salt Pepper, as needed 2 tablespoons vinegar 1 tablespoon of oil Optional: You can add tomatoes, …

Ensalada de Palmito - Bolivian Hearts of Palm Salad Not rated yet
You’ll need: 2 cans of palm hearts lemon oil salt Optional: You can also add corn and sliced, if desired. How to prepare: Drain the cans …

Bolivian Corn and Honey Mustard Salad Not rated yet
For this recipe you'll need large kernel white corn. If you have trouble finding this type of corn outside of Bolivia, you can substitute with hominy. …

Bolivian Rice and Tuna Salad Not rated yet
This salad, although it's made with rice, is actually served cold and it's really tasty! It takes almost no time to make and is very healthy too. It makes …

Bolivian Red Bell Pepper Salad Not rated yet
This salad is very easy to make and is filled with nutrition and vitamins. It takes just 10-15 minutes to prepare. Because it also contains beets, it's …

Chanka de Pollo (Bolivian Chicken Soup with a Touch of Incan Legend) Not rated yet
Hi everyone. Chanka is a nice strongly flavored chicken soup with potatoes, beans, and green onions. It's a great dinner for a cold night. Below the recipe, …

Labor Day Without the Labor Not rated yet
Arroz a la Valenciana, also known as paella, is a quick, convenient dish to make that doesn't require a lot of labor. It's a perfect choice for a Bolivian …

Mocochinchi (Dried Peach Juice) Not rated yet
You’ll need: 1 pound dehydrated whole peaches (never use sweetened ones) 2 sticks of cinnamon 3 coups of water Sugar as needed (for the caramel and …

Refresco de Linaza (Raw Flax Seed Juice) Not rated yet
You’ll need: 2 Liters of Water 1/2 cup of whole flax seed (flakes if you prefer) Sugar to taste How to prepare: Place one or two cups of the water …

Locro de Gallina (Thick Rice & Chicken Soup with Vegetables) Not rated yet
Locro de Gallina is from Santa Cruz. You’ll need: 2 lbs/1kg squash, pumpkin or sweet potato peeled and cut into 1 in/2.5 cm chunks (optional) 1/2 cup …

Majao (Rice with Jerked Beef) Not rated yet
You’ll need: (for 4 portions) Majao is from Santa Cruz. 5 cups water 1/2 pound charque (dried and salty jerked beef) 1 cup rice 1/2 cup onion , thinly …

Fricase (Spicy Pork stew) Not rated yet
Fricase is from La Paz. You'll need: (For 8 portions) 2 spoonfuls oil 2.2 pounds pork meat, preferable ribs, cut into 16 pieces 1 cup white onion, …

Pan fried Titicaca rainbow trout Not rated yet
Bolivia may not have access to the sea but there is always delicious trout from Lake Titicaca. Along the drive to the lake and in Copacabana you can enjoy …

Bolivian Food: What is Quinoa and How do you Cook it? Not rated yet
Quinoa has been enjoyed in its home, South America, for over 3000 years. It is still grown mainly in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador although farmers in the …

papas a la huancaina potatoes in creamy peanut sauce Not rated yet
PAPAS A LA HUANCAINA (POTATOES IN CREAMY PEANUT SAUCE) The peanuts provide the protein you would otherwise get from meat, as does the egg. Take a look: …

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Bolivian Recipes Not rated yet
Just wanted to mention that one of the books advertised on your site "Sabor Andino" by M. Dupleich is a great investment if you'd like to learn Bolivian …

Arroz con Queso: Traditional Bolivian Sticky Rice with Cheese Not rated yet
Arroz con queso (rice with cheese) is a Bolivian side dish traditionally served with grilled meats or hearty meat dishes. It is a type of extra moist …

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